Ample Shop

Ample Shop is a Woo-Commerce compatible theme that works perfectly for any kind of shop. The theme is built with an immensely configurable homepage such that it can be used to build stunning online stores. It is a beginner-friendly theme with a simple and minimal design that is well suited for various eCommerce businesses like electronics, clothes, footwear, furniture, accessories, and a lot more. Ample Shop encompasses a custom front page, fonts and color options, header image option, breadcrumb options, and much more. Variations in color enable you to design your website as per your choice and Ample Shop lets you experiment with your website with different colors. It offers you every element that contributes to making your online store the ultimate eCommerce platform. It is highly responsive and SEO friendly at the same time.

Theme Installation

Via WordPress


You need to activate recommended plugins like Ample Theme Demo Importer and WooCommerce after the theme is activated.


Go to Plugins and “Run the Setup Wizard” to set up WooCommerce on your site.

Getting Started:

Step 1:

Step 2:

Ample Shop Documentation woocommerce setup

Step 3:

Step 4:

One-Click Demo Import


Dummy Data setup Process:

Download the ZIP file of dummy data from here.

Manually Demo Data Process Step by Step


Adding Contents


To create a post on your site, it’s easy. Follow the below-listed methods.

Add more posts like the above methods.


To create a page on your site, it’s easy. Follow the below-listed methods.


To create categories, follow the below steps.


To create products, follow the below steps.


Site Title, Tagline & Logo

How to set up Homepage

To setup Homepage Settings

Homepage Settings

Homepage General Settings

There are several options inside this panel such as “Site Layout”, “Categories Menu Option”, “Slider Section”, “Shop Info”, and “Footer Option”.

Site Layout

You can either choose the box layout or full layout from the dropdown menu of the site layout.

Categories Menu Option

You can either choose Default Categories Menu or Custom Categories Menu from the dropdown menu of Categories Menu Option.

Slider Section

Shop Info

Footer Option

You can add your copyright text here.

Theme Option

There are several options such as Default Sidebar Layout Option, Feature Image Option For Single Post/Page, Front Page Options, Breadcrumb Options, and Blog/Archive Layout Option.

Default Sidebar Layout Option

You can choose the Default Sidebar Layout from the dropdown menu as shown below.

Feature Image Option For Single Post/Page

You can either show or hide feature images for a single page/post.

Front Page Options

You can show or hide blog posts or a static page on FrontPage.

BreadCrumb Options

When Enabled:   When Disabled:


Blog/Archive Layout Option


You have a wide range of color options such as “Head Text Color”, “Background Color”, “Primary Color”, “Top Header Background Color”, “Bottom Footer Background Color”,  and “Primary Hover Color”.

Header Image

You can add a header image and then publish.

Background Image

You can set a background image and then click on publish to see the changes.

Gutentor Options

It is further categorized as General Options and Category Color.

General Options

Category Color

You can set different colors for a different category.


This theme comes with two menu locations. Primary Menu, Top Header Menu, and Social Menu.

Primary Menu


Top Header Menu

Social Menu


Categories Menu


WooCommerce Option

It is further classified into four categories such as “Store Notice”, “Product Catalog”, “Product Images”, and “Checkout”.

Store Notice

You can write some text as a notice of your store. In order to display the notice, check the “Enable store notice” option.

Product Catalog

Product Images




Ample Shop comes with widgets such as “Categories Collection”, “Each Cat Products”, “Feature Products”, “Info Widget”, “Latest Blog Widgets”, “Popular Products”, and “Testimonial Widgets”.  

AT: Categories Collection

For setting up widgets

AT: Categories Collection

AT: Each Cat Products

For setting up widgets

AT: Feature Product

For setting up widgets

AT: Info Widget

For setting up widgets

AT: Popular Products

For setting up widgets


AT: Latest Blog Widgets

For setting up widgets

AT: Testimonial Widgets

For setting up widgets

  If you need any additional support, use the support forum.